Join us for our fourth annual Livestock and Forage Grower Update on February 20 and 22, 2024, beginning at 11:30 AM and concluding at 1:00 PM on both Tuesday and Thursday. This webinar will be recorded for future viewing – please pre-register for the webinar to obtain access to the recording.

Tuesday, February 20
Weather Outlook – Becky Bolinger, Ph.D. | CSU Department of Atmospheric Science
Market Update – Dr. Steve Koontz | CSU Department of Agriculture and Resource Economics
Irrigation Strategies – Dr. Joe Brummer | CSU Department of Soil and Crop Sciences
Thursday, February 22
Biosecurity, Current Diseases, and Outbreak Issues – Raye Walck D.V.M. | CSU Western Slope Veterinary Diagnostic Lab
Emergency Preparedness: Fire, Flood, and Insurance – Todd Hagenbuch | CSU Extension
Influences on Meat Quality – Jennifer Martin, Ph.D. | CSU Department of Animal Sciences
Becky Bolinger, Ph.D. | Assistant State Climatologist
Becky Bolinger is the Assistant State Climatologist at the Colorado Climate Center, Colorado State University. Her interests include climate variability, climate trends, climate prediction, the hydrologic cycle, water resources, and climate and drought monitoring. She has worked for three different climate centers, has experience with many different climate datasets, and has experience with research and applications in climate. Her expertise and passion is bridging the gap between climate research and decision-making applications.
Steve Koontz, Ph.D. | Department of Agriculture and Resource Economics Professor
My research interests are focused on commercial commodity agricultural markets of significance in Colorado. These industries include cattle and beef, feed grains, wheat, forage and dairy. My research examines market and price analysis tools, forecasting and modeling methods, and linkage of those tools with agribusiness and risk management. My research also includes long-term scholarly interests in industrial organization, econometric methods, and experimental economics. My most recent projects have involved examining the impact of alternative marketing methods used in livestock industries on the performance of cash markets, examining alternative trading and ownership institutions in experimental economic markets, the impact of ethanol demand on corn and other commodity markets, the economic value of sorting fed cattle, and the economics of animal disease control and insurance.
Jennifer Martin, Ph.D. | Department of Animal Sciences Sciences Associate Professor
Dr. Jennifer Martin is an Associate Professor in Meat Safety and Quality and Meat Extension Specialist in the Department of Animal Sciences at Colorado State University. In 2022, Jennifer was named a Presidential Leadership Fellow and currently spends part of her time assisting in university-wide strategic initiatives. She is originally from Central Texas and received her M.S. (2010) and Ph.D. (2014) from Texas Tech University before joining Colorado State University in the Spring of 2015. Jennifer’s research program focuses on the quality and safety of meat and related products, emphasizing exploration of solutions and opportunities with industry partners. In addition to research, Jennifer works closely with meat and livestock industry members across Colorado and the nation. Notably, she is the coordinator of the Pet Food Alliance, a collaborative industry organization focused on exploring solutions for the pet food and rendering industries. She also serves as the co-leader for the Upskilling Initiative, a workforce development program. She plays an active role in on-campus programs, including the Provost’s Council for Engagement, Faculty Council, and numerous committees. In addition to her University work, Jennifer is involved in numerous livestock organizations across the country. Jennifer, her husband Chad, and their dog Mel, live in Timnath, CO.
Joe Brummer, Ph.D. | Department of Soil & Crop Sciences Associate Professor
After working for Colorado State University for 29 years, Joe retired in 2023. He worked at the Mountain Meadow Research Center in Gunnison for 12 years conducting research and extension programs in the area of high elevation forage and livestock production. He then moved to the main campus in Fort Collins in 2006 where had statewide responsibilities in the area of forage production and management. He grew up in south-central Kansas on a dryland wheat and livestock operation. All three of his degrees are in range management with emphasis on grazing management. He gained practical experience working with improved forages in both the sub irrigated hay meadows in the Nebraska Sandhills and the mountain hay meadows in western Colorado. Working with improved forages has allowed him to combine his interests in agronomy with pasture and livestock production.
Raye Walck, DVM | CSU Western Slope Veterinary Diagnostic Lab Director
Since graduating from CSU in 1998, Dr. Walck has practiced veterinary medicine in a variety of settings, including mixed practice, Avian Influenza Emergency Response with the USDA, and in her current capacity as the director of CSU Western Slope VDL.
Todd Hagenbuch | Routt County Extension Director
Todd Hagenbuch is the Ag/Natural Resources Extension Specialist for Colorado State University in Routt County. The fourth generation of his family to ranch in Routt County, he began his career in Extension in 2012. He handles all manner of agricultural issues including small acreage management, weed identification and control, rangeland management, and more. When not working on extension programs, he enjoys time with his wife and two kids tending to their large garden and small chicken flock.
Program Materials
Join us for our third annual Livestock and Forage Grower Update on March 2, 2023, beginning at 10:00 AM, featuring CSU Livestock and Crop Specialists. This webinar will be recorded – please pre-register for the webinar to access the recording.

10:00-10:20 Wolf Reintroduction Plan – Matt Thorpe
10:20-10:40 Virtual Fencing – Eric McPhail
10:40-11:00 TRAC Data Report – Dr. Ryan Rhoades
11:00-11:20 Weather and Climate Outlook – Dr. Becky Bolinger
11:20-11:30 Break
11:30-11:50 Market Outlook – Katelyn McCullock
11:50-12:10 Trade-offs Between Individual Gains and Herd Gains with Increased Stock Density – Dr. John Ritten
12:10-1:00 Ruminant Nutrition – Dr. Shawn Archibeque
1:00-1:20 HPAI Update – Dr. Ragan Adams
1:20-1:30 Closing and Questions
Matt Thorpe | Colorado Parks and Wildlife Southwest Deputy Regional Manager
Matt Thorpe is the CPW SW Deputy Regional Manager and Wolf Reintroduction Management Team member for CPW. He will be giving the latest status on the Wolf Reintroduction Management Plan.
Eric McPhail | Western Region Extension Director
Eric McPhail currently serves as the Western Regional Director for Colorado State University Extension. He came to Extension with a bachelor’s in animal science and a masters in ruminant nutrition. In addition, he brought 8 years of experience from managing a large commercial cattle and farm operation. In his current role, he oversees around 65 staff members and the success of Extension programs serving 16 counties across Colorado’s Western Slope. Prior to his regional role, he served as the County Director 4-H Youth and Agricultural Agent in Gunnison County, Colorado for 16 years. In this role, his position took many forms of educational outreach, but his principal responsibilities included program management focused on community development, agriculture, livestock, 4-H youth, horticulture, and family and consumer science education. Eric prides himself on building organizational and committee partnerships. He believes the balance of knowledge transfer and diverse service is where Extension can make the most impact in a community. Also, surrounding oneself with great teammates is a plus too. He loves the job, the people, and the mission of providing a helping resource, or hand, to anyone.
Ryan Rhoades, Ph.D. | Extension Beef Specialist
Dr. Rhoades is an Associate Professor and Beef Extension Specialist at Colorado State University. Previously, Ryan spent six years as a faculty member at the King Ranch® Institute for Ranch Management in Kingsville, TX. Ryan received a Ph.D. in Beef Cattle Production at Texas A&M University. In his current position, Ryan is responsible for developing, prioritizing, and implementing innovative statewide beef extension programs based on the Colorado beef industry needs. He has also worked closely with several state and national beef industry organizations to assist with strategic planning and the development of producer training tools. Ryan, his wife Jacqueline, and three children (Ryder, Raegan, and Roxie) live in Wellington, CO where they own/operate a small direct to consumer beef business, Elevation Beef.
Becky Bolinger, Ph.D. | Assistant State Climatologist
Becky Bolinger is the Assistant State Climatologist at the Colorado Climate Center, Colorado State University. Her interests include climate variability, climate trends, climate prediction, the hydrologic cycle, water resources, and climate and drought monitoring. She has worked for three different climate centers, has experience with many different climate datasets, and has experience with research and applications in climate. Her expertise and passion is bridging the gap between climate research and decision-making applications.
Kaitlyn McCullock | Livestock Marketing Information Center Director
Katelyn McCullock is the Director and Senior Agricultural Economist at the Livestock Marketing Information Center. Katelyn has expertise in the cattle, hog, dairy, hay, and grain sectors covering market analysis and outlook. Katelyn has published through a variety of channels market analysis, research, and new articles. She has been a frequent presenter on the national and regional levels, as well as through rural media outlets.
Prior to joining LMIC, Katelyn worked in the Farm Credit System as well as in Washington, DC for American Farm Bureau Federation on livestock-related agricultural policy topics. She has a Masters in Agricultural Economics from Colorado State University and a Bachelor of Science from the University of Maine.
John Ritten, Ph.D. | Agricultural Economist and Extension Specialist
Dr. John Ritten is an agricultural economist at CSU and a member of the AgNext team. He received a BS in Marketing from Arizona State University, an MBA from New Mexico State University, and a PhD in Natural Resource Economics from Colorado State University. His research interests include the intersection of agricultural production and natural resource management. Prior to joining AgNext, John served as the University of Wyoming’s state Agricultural Systems Extension specialist for 14 years.
Shawn Archibeque, Ph.D. | Ruminant Nutritionist
Dr. Shawn Archibeque, a ruminant nutritionist, began his scientific training and education at Colorado State University, where he earned a B.S. with a double major in Environmental Health and Animal Sciences. He continued his training as a ruminant nutritionist at North Carolina State University. Following his M.S. Shawn earned a Ph.D. at Texas A&M with Dr. Stephen Smith, an expert in adipose development of livestock species. Shawn conducted research with the meat science components of beef cattle production, and it enabled him to apply cellular and enzymatic-based mechanisms for describing nutritional manipulations of beef carcass quality.
Ragan Adams, DVM | Veterinary Extension Specialist
Ragan Adams, MA, DVM graduated from the University of Florida, College of Veterinary Medicine. After stints as an equine veterinarian in Florida, Maryland and Louisiana, she moved to Colorado where she has held various positions at CSU College of Veterinary Medicine and Biological Sciences. In 2009 she joined the CSU Veterinary Extension Specialists team. In this position she became involved in many Extension teams where expertise in health and welfare of animals was needed but had not been previously available. Community animal disaster planning has been a major interest and she is a CSU delegate to the Extension Disaster Educational Network (EDEN), recently serving as the vice chair of the Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee. The importance of biosecurity to prevent animal and zoonotic infectious disease is another area of commitment and she works with underserved and small- scale producers as well as part on the CSU CERES Advisory TEAM.
Program Materials
Wolf Reintroduction Plan – Matt Thorpe
Virtual Fencing – Eric McPhail
T.R.A.C. Data Report – Dr. Ryan Rhoades
Weather and Climate Outlook – Dr. Becky Bolinger
Trade-offs Between Individual Gains and Herd Gains with Increased Stock Density – Dr. John Ritten